The boys did a great job makin their gingerbread house this past week. They had so much fun, but I think they liked eating the candy more then decorating the house!!!
Payton and Noah..........way to go on your Gingerbread house. Can Nana have a piece of it to eat? I miss you 2 guys more every day. Love you lots~~~~Nana
We are the Archibald's, and we are glad you are visiting our page. We created this blog to help keep in touch with friends and family. Feel free to post comments we love hearing from you!
This blog was created so that we can share our journey as we embark on a new challenge. We as a family have decided to pledge the next 100 days to hopefully be able to find peace, health, and happiness. We are going to fallow a challenge that was put out by a blog that a fallow called 100 days of real food. However we are going to take this pledge a little further and add in a few more challenges along the way. Fallow us on this blog to learn more about these new challenges. Our hope is that this will be away to keep ourselves accountable as well as hopefully inspire others to make changes in their own lives that will bring themselves and their families closer to peace, health, and happiness!
Payton and Noah..........way to go on your Gingerbread house. Can Nana have a piece of it to eat?
I miss you 2 guys more every day.
Love you lots~~~~Nana
oooo! i miss you guys! these pictures make me homesick!!
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